Monday, July 4, 2011

my body makes me so unhappy.

I feel like I am being forced to wear something that does not fit,

that does not suit, that just doesn't look right.

stupidly staring breasts, the sickle scar above the larger of the two

ugly, ill-formed nipples of unripened pink

they point in different directions like blind eyes

my arms are no good

sandbagged by fat on the upper where they join at the elbow

they are curvaceous & when pressed to me they flatten

the flesh laid flat to my hidden ribs

how can my hips be so wide?

they were, seemingly not so long ago,

wrought with just-sub-skin patterns of purple all along

the sharp edged protusions

of my bones

now they are thickened,

tangibly coated in fat that wraps around me

in a lopsided, scarred band

particularly thick at the back, just above my buttocks

it's no good down there, either

wobbly, puckered, dead muscle & coarse parchment skin

elephant legs with the reddend-roll

where the thigh hits the knees

wide wide wide

I feel like Frankenstein's monster

pasted pieces of others & a skin I do not belong in

I have been sewn up in the wrong body

I long to tear this unfeeling, putrefying mass to pieces with my own teeth.


  1. We all have our insecurities- some more than others. Perspective is seeing someone who is horribly disfigured from an accident or both with some awful defect through no fault of their own.

  2. I know how fortunate I am in that regard. I know that I'm lucky in a lot of ways, & that riddles me with guilt for being so ungrateful.
    At the same time, I know that I am able to change how I look & instead of complaining, I should just do something about it.

    Thankyou for your comment, I haven't had one for ages :)
